apple tv 3 tvos

The first beta of tvOS, that was released for the developers yesterday, will not run on older Apple TVs. Apple’s comparison page for the new and older Apple TV models clearly shows that none of the new features is coming to older devices. It also appears

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  • does anyone have any idea if the 3rd gen apple tv will get any sort of update to the softw...
    Apple tv 3 tvos | MacRumors Forums
  • The first beta of tvOS, that was released for the developers yesterday, will not run on ol...
    tvOS will not work on Apple TV 2 and Apple TV 3. Older devic ...
  • 其中又有很大一部分人,是想嘗試apple tv玩遊戲的感覺 目前tvos 剛起步,所以當然沒甚麼太大的感覺,再等等吧 eclose 樓主 2015-10-31 10:16 #3 ....
    Apple TV - 感覺Apple TV4並沒有比TV3多什麼功能? - 蘋果討論區 ...
  • Apple TV has select movies and shows in 4K HDR. Live sports and news. Features the Apple T...
    TV - Apple
  • 毫無懸念,這次蘋果秋季發表會中該發表的都發表了,不該發表的可能下個月會發表。除了豈止於大的 iPad Pro(?)和提供年年換新機計畫的 iPhone 6s(什麼時候輪到台灣?)外...
    專用 tvOS 搭配 Siri 及 App Store,Apple TV 升級代表新一波家 ...
  • It is unknown yet prior to the release of the new Apple TV whether or not it will get some...
    Will the Apple TV 3 be updated to the new tvOS and get the ...
  • 這次 Apple TV 4 把處理器升級至 A8 處理器,採用 TvOS 系統,效能足夠令 Apple TV 4 可用來玩遊戲, 比起Apple TV 3 只供串流而言,無疑是娛樂...
    一表比較 Apple TV 4 代與 3 規格及入購分析!
  • Apple TV 4K 能讓你以 4K HDR 畫質觀看電影與節目,盡情投入影像豐富的互動遊戲,並享受頂尖 app 所帶來的精彩內容。
    TV - Apple (台灣)
  • Apple's Eddy Cue just introduced the new Apple TV, and he's saying that the future...
    The new Apple TV is running a new operating system called tv ...
  • Apple has just started seeding out the third beta for tvOS 10 today to all current testers...
    Apple seeds tvOS 10 beta 3 for Apple TV to developers | ...